Tool for the development & certification of safety-critical systems. Our free suite shows how model-based safety engineering and systems engineering can be integrated comprehensively and effectively.

Architecture design
Fault Tree Analysis
Safety Argumentation
Hazard and risk analysis

About Us

Traditionally, safety engineers have relied on text-/table-based solutions for the documentation of artifacts created during the development lifecycle. However, due to the increasing complexity of today’s safety-critical embedded systems, these solutions do not scale properly and new approaches for development and documentation are required. Fraunhofer IESE addresses this challenge by researching and developing integrated model-based safety engineering approaches, with a strong focus on architecture integration, traceability, reusability, and maintainability of safety-relevant artifacts.

What safeTbox can…

safeTbox is a multi-viewpoint and multi-analysis tool framework aimed at supporting engineers during the development and certification phases of safety-critical systems.

System Architecture Design

Hierarchical composition models
Variants modeling
Integration with SysML 1.4 constructs
Support EA Constructs

Hazard and risk assessment

Excel like template
HAZOP analysis
Catalog for driving and standing situations
Risk assessment after ISO 26262List item

Component Fault Tree Analysis

Component Integrated Fault Trees (CFTs)
Minimal Cut Sets
Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Integration with FT+

Systems Theoretic Process Analysis

Excel like templates
Cover all steps of the process
Safety, security, generic
Integration with SysML Requirements

Safety Argumentation

Goal Structure Notation (GSN)
GSN standard 2.0
Requirements allocation
Safety concept and safety case

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