Tool for the development & certification of safety-critical systems. Our free suite shows how model-based safety engineering and systems engineering can be integrated comprehensively and effectively.
About Us
Traditionally, safety engineers have relied on text-/table-based solutions for the documentation of artifacts created during the development lifecycle. However, due to the increasing complexity of today’s safety-critical embedded systems, these solutions do not scale properly and new approaches for development and documentation are required. Fraunhofer IESE addresses this challenge by researching and developing integrated model-based safety engineering approaches, with a strong focus on architecture integration, traceability, reusability, and maintainability of safety-relevant artifacts.
System Architecture Design
Hazard and risk assessment
Component Fault Tree Analysis
Systems Theoretic Process Analysis
Safety Argumentation
Email List Subscription
Get safeTbox 3.3
safeTbox is completely free for non-commercial usage. You can access the tool installer after completing the subscription to our email list.
For commercial usage of the safeTbox, please contact us and we will get back to you with the options suiting your particular usage scenario.
Please note that safeTbox has been implemented as an extension to Enterprise Architect (EA). This means that you need your own EA license. safeTbox is compatible with EA 13 and higher.