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Abstraction, modularization, hierarchization and traceability underpinned by adequate tool support

safeTbox has been developed as an extension of the commercial modeling tool Enterprise Architect (EA). It comprises a set of profiles for the definition of specialized modeling languages (in support of the typical safety-engineering activities) as well as several add-ins to extend the functionality of EA, primarily for the support of computations, usability, and interoperability.

Architecture Design

An appropriate documentation of the system’s architecture is a critical input for the realization of any safety related activity. Therefore, safeTbox integrates standardized approaches like SysML (1.3 and 1.4) as well as new experimental approaches like the SPES modeling framework. These approaches allows the specification of the system on a modular and hierarchical basis, on which the safety related artifacts might be structured. Moreover, a type assignment approach allows the user to create heterogeneous architecture models, as well as defining with precision component interfaces.

Hazard and Risk Assessment

Hazard and risk assessments have been traditionally performed with the help of  tools like Excel. In safeTbox we follow an integrated model-based approach to overcome the typical problems that arise from the use of such a tool, like it is for instance: the lack of maintainability and traceability. safeTbox provides the best trade off: it offers an intuitive table-base user interface while being able to link existing model elements. The current implementation of supports primary the ISO 26262.

Fault Tree Analysis

Fault analysis in safeTbox focuses on the construction of component fault tree models, in which the failures of individual components and their interactions can be specified modularly and further integrated to represent the failure behavior of the entire system. Fault trees can be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the integrated computation engine. Integration with Isograph’s Fault Tree Plus is also available.

Systems Theoretic Process Analysis

STPA is not just a technique, but a whole framework that can be used to analyze and develop the system from different points of view, e.g. safety or security. safeTbox implements a set of flexible editors that support all steps of the STPA process following the descriptions of the STPA handbook and taking into account the recommended practice SAE J3187.

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Safety Argumentation

Safety Concepts and Safety Cases are becoming more and more relevant for the safety assessments of systems from a technical and from a process point of view. safeTbox supports the user in this respect by integrating the Goal Structuring Notation as best known technique to support the construction of structured arguments. Moreover, special traceability and modularity features have been built in to facilitate the assessment process.